The research methods that I have used for this research thesis are three-fold: qualitative paradigm, comparative textual analysis, and a comparative film survey specifically focused on four selected films. Through using the qualitative method, a focus on the process – rather than the results – was highlighted. As a qualitative researcher, I was interested in the definitions and interpretations of d/Deaf onscreen characters in these films. Central to this approach were questions concerning the meanings behind specific individuals and actions, how these characters navigate their lives, and how their worlds are structured. In this way, theories and concepts were formed, and hypotheses were formed through data collected. Through a comparative textual analysis of these four films, I showed the significant similarities and differences in certain key themes. I conducted a thorough viewing of each film, analyzing and comparing their portrayal of d/Deaf characters to derive insights into their representation. Additionally, I surveyed d/Deaf individuals, gathering responses to a series of specific questions. The survey data was then analyzed and presented in terms of percentages and comparative analysis, offering a comprehensive understanding of the findings.


In this chapter, a comparative textual analysis of the following four films has been established: See No Evil, Hear No Evil. (1989). TriStar Pictures, Mr. Holland’s Opus. (1995). Buena Vista Pictures Distribution & PolyGram Filmed Entertainment, Copying Beethoven. (2006). Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, and Dig.(2022). Saban Films.

I chose the first film, See No Evil, Hear No Evil, because of the year it was made (1989) and because one of its two leading characters is deaf. The deaf character, portrayed by Gene Wilder, was a well-known actor in the 1980s. This thriller/comedy film was panned by critics but loved by the audiences. The plot is simple and entertaining enough: Dave, the deaf character, works at a New York City concession shop. Wally, the blind character playing opposite Dave, gets a salesman’s job at the concession shop. When a man is murdered in front of the concession shop, they both go on the run from the police in an attempt to prove their innocence. I also chose this film because it focuses largely on disabilities.

The second film, Mr. Holland’s Opus (1995), is an American drama film. Mr. Holland is a high school music teacher who later finds out his son is profoundly deaf.  A large part of the film focuses on Mr. Glenn Holland, the leading character. He is a gifted musician, composer, and hearing man. This film focuses on 30 years of his life, from when he started as a music teacher, to when his deaf son goes off to college. I chose this film because it was nominated for Best Screenplay and Best Actor at the Golden Globe Awards. This film received further widespread acclaim and attention when the leading actor, Richard Dreyfuss, received a nomination for Best Actor at the Academy Awards. I also chose this film because of Anthony Natale, a well-known deaf Canadian actor. In this film, he plays the role of the deaf son as a 28-year-old college student.

In the third film, Copying Beethoven (2006), a fictionalized account is taken of Ludwig van Beethoven’s final years. I chose this film because Beethoven is well-known for having been deaf, and yet he still managed to create and compose legendary music. In this film, Anna Holtz is a copyist. She has to help Beethoven finish his final musical score, The Ninth Symphony. In return, she hopes to show her work to him and receive valuable feedback.

The fourth film that I chose was Dig(2020), an American thriller film. The film stars Thomas Jane and his real-life daughter Harlow Jane. The film kicks off with a traumatic scene where the mother gets shot and dies in a road rage incident. I chose this film because the daughter, Jane, experiences shock and instantly ‘loses’ her hearing. Just like that, a mental blockage makes her deaf and mute. Her father, Steve, gets a contract to demolish a house on an abandoned farm outside New Mexico, and they end up getting kidnapped by a man and woman on site.

Through qualitative analysis, a deeper insight into the reality of life and its problems was explored in these films. I used the following ten data points to do a comparative analysis:

1. Deaf vs Stupid

The term ‘deaf and dumb’ was first established in the late 1500s. (deaf-dumb, 2024) One of the greatest philosophers, Aristotle, felt that deaf persons were not able to learn or reason, thus he felt the word ‘dumb’ was appropriate. He also said, “As to the exposure and rearing of children, let there be a law that no deformed child shall live.” (, n.d.) We have come a long way since the days of Ancient Greece, but we still have a long way to go.

‘Audism’ is a word that was first established by Dr. Tom L. Hummphries in his 1977 dissertation. Audism is the widespread belief that a hearing person is superior to a deaf person and that having a hearing ability is superior to deafness. (H-Dirksen L., Bauman, 2013) The attitude of audism is usually a subconscious choice, and not necessarily done deliberately. Audism creates a stigma and stereotype that d/Deaf persons don’t have what it takes and that they ‘lack’ something. This causes hearing persons to pity or view d/Deaf persons as ‘incomplete’.

With the above-mentioned films, I wanted to see how these films portray the d/Deaf characters from a hearing person’s point of view. What are the social attitudes portrayed towards d/Deaf persons? Are there any prejudices shown towards them?

2. Equality vs Inequality

There is also a widespread belief that all deaf persons see themselves as ‘disabled’ and ‘handicapped’, and that the hearing society must feel sorry for them. This is discrimination.

In watching these four films, I was interested to find out whether the screenwriters have done their proper background research when it comes to creating d/Deaf characters. Do they make clear distinctions when it comes to these two different types of d/Deaf communities? Or are all d/Deaf persons put into the same classification?

3. Hearing vs d/Deaf Actors

Through watching those four films, I wanted to see if d/Deaf actors were used to play d/Deaf onscreen roles, or whether hearing actors were used instead. More importantly, were jobs created for d/Deaf actors in this process?

4. Misrepresentation of Lipreading

Through watching these films, I was curious to see what level of lipreading skills the d/Deaf characters had, and whether was it portrayed as merely a superpower, instead of a survival skill that is used in communication.

5. Connection & Community

With these four films, I was anxious to see if they would show and educate the masses in a way that is inclusive of d/Deaf persons. Do they show how it can be done in a better way? Or do they still exclude the d/Deaf persons from vital information?

d/Deaf individuals are also “twice as likely to suffer from psychological problems such as depression and anxiety.” (Purse, 2021) The reason for this statistic is because of the isolation that comes from being excluded from the community and society as a whole. Being part of a community and having connections is a large part of being human, and this is just as important to /Deaf persons. How was this mental issue portrayed in the films that I watched?

6. Deaf Accents

Hearing people are often surprised when they hear a d/Deaf person speak with their audible voice. Some d/Deaf persons choose not to use their voice, while others can. There are several factors to consider when it comes to this point, such as when and how this person lost their hearing. Speech therapy and drama classes also aid in helping a d/Deaf person speak with their voices.

Through watching these films, I was curious to see whether the use of d/Deaf accents was shown and whether it was done accurately. If and when d/Deaf characters received hearing devices in the storyline, did they show the aftercare that needs to take place?

7. Communication

Communication is an important part of living in a healthy society. Because d/Deaf persons can’t hear on the same frequency as a hearing person, their other senses are heightened. Their vision is sharper and they have a keen and acute awareness of their surroundings.

Through watching these four films for my comparative analysis, I was looking to see if Deaf communication is portrayed, and if so, if it is portrayed accurately according to the standards within the Deaf culture.

8. Sign Language & Other Devices

Through watching my four selected films, I was curious to see whether the appropriate ‘dialect’ of sign language was used if there was sign language in the film, and whether hearing aids and/or cochlear devices were considered a ‘magic cure’, a pill that can be swallowed and then this person is 100% able to function in a hearing world.

9. Sound

Every d/Deaf person experiences sound in a different, complex way. There is no ‘one way’ that every d/Deaf person hears sound, especially where music is concerned.

Every hearing person hears sound differently. This is an important factor to consider when writing and researching d/Deaf characters in a screenplay. Likewise, d/Deaf persons experience music in a different way than hearing people do. Through these films, I wanted to see if the filmmakers were aware of the different ways d/Deaf persons can experience the world of sound and music.

10. Accessibility

Also, are these films easily accessible to d/Deaf persons? When it premiered on the big screens, were there subtitles available? Going to the cinema or watching a film onscreen should be an enjoyable experience for every person, regardless of their hearing loss. In previous years, before the era of streaming, everyone went to the cinemas to watch films. In those days – in South Africa – subtitles were only available where foreign films were concerned.

Through watching these films, I wanted to see if they were made accessible to d/Deaf persons. The first film – See No Evil, Hear No Evil– came out in the late 1980s. The second film – Mr. Holland’s Opus – came out in the 1990s, and the third one – Copying Beethoven – in the 2000s. The last one – Dig – premiered in 2022.