
Agnes & Judas

Last week, I read a beautiful, powerful, and haunting work of fiction written by Hannah Kent. ‘Burial Rites’ tells the story of Agnes, a servant in northern Iceland who was condemned to death after the murder of two men. Agnes was also the last woman executed in Iceland in 1829. This book made me realize, …

BSSM Testimonies

We kicked off the weekend with an alumni meeting, then an Encounter Evening at Global Leadership Academy. The next morning we did Treasure Hunt on the streets of Jeffrey’s Bay. On Sunday afternoon, we had a gathering at Grant’s place. It was a weekend filled with Spirit-led moments, radical encounters, prophesying, worship, etc. Herewith, a …

Things I Have Loved: Part 1

It is inevitable, but undeniable. We are constantly being shaped by the things around us. Music. Books. Television. Films. Magazines. It influences us and the way we view the world. It moves us, makes us come alive, changes us. We’re not always aware of it. * Lately I’ve been pondering about the things that has …

Some Things A First Time

I’ve been driving cars for ten years now. I got my learner’s license after passing the test the second time around, and my car license shortly after. My parents really spoiled me; they almost instantly bought me my first car to celebrate getting my license. It was pure bliss having the freedom to go wherever …