AFDA | Interview | Producer

Seraya Eve Mentor is a 22-year-old young lady who comes from Windhoek, Namibia. Nicknamed ‘Ray’, her major for this year is producing, with a minor in screenwriting.


Seraya decided to study at AFDA because she is ‘passionate about film’ and decided at the last minute to apply. She loves studying at AFDA. ‘Here you are allowed to learn at your own pace and you have access to almost anything and everyone,’ she explains.

Seraya’s dream is to become a film producer. ‘That would be really cool,’ she says. Seraya also has her fears: ‘I fear the unpredictability of life because I have no control.’

Seraya loves films that have an element of fantasy and thriller in them. ‘I enjoy the idea of escaping to worlds that are different from our world,’ she explains.


Seraya’s thesis for this year focuses on the following question:

How can a Producer’s workflow enhance productivity in all stages of film production?’

She explains why she chose this topic: ‘I enjoy seeing a team that I work with work at their best and enjoy what they are doing.’

Seraya doesn’t have a producer that she admires. ‘I must say, however, that my mom is in the entertainment industry and I admire her work ethic,’ she shares. ‘My mom is the drive for my producing style.’

Seraya also hopes to leave a mark on this earth. ‘I want people to feel like they can be themselves around me.’ One of Seraya’s closest friends at AFDA is Stella Mbiyu, who is also the Director of Photography for this year’s Honours class. ‘We have been together since the beginning of our first year studying; she was one of the first friends that I’ve ever met,’ Seraya explains. ‘Both of us are foreigners so we share that special bond as well.


What hobbies and/or skills would Seraya still like to learn? ‘Culinary skills, as well as playing the guitar,’ she answers. ‘A good meal brings me joy, and of course, dancing.’

Seraya has been dancing for 15 years now. She is a trained ballet dancer, and when she moved to South Africa, she joined Nicki-Ray Productions, a dance academy in Port Elizabeth. ‘As a dancer, dance teacher, and choreographer, I do part-time shows and gigs.’

Dancing is something that helps Seraya cope with the everyday stress of being a producer and writer. ‘I also tend to sleep the stress away,’ she confesses.


When I ask her what it’s like studying in a foreign country, she is honest in her answer: ‘Though South Africa is beautiful, the crime/instability is something I never experienced in my home country.’ She still enjoys studying in South Africa, as she is a ‘very independent person.’ She loves meeting the different cultures that South Africa has to offer. ‘But I miss the comfort and peace of Namibia.’

She would also rather work in Namibia after she finishes her studies. ‘The industry in Namibia needs a lot of growth. They also need more people to get the film industry moving in the country.’ She hopes to establish herself as one of the leading pioneers in the Namibian film industry.


What, according to Seraya, makes people unique? ‘The fact that there is only one of them on this earth.’ And what does she believe makes her unique? ‘My personality,’ she answers. ‘One of the things I like the most about myself is that I can be quite child-like and goofy.’

Seraya is a friendly, pretty, and outgoing young woman with a beautiful smile. I often catch her dancing or doing the splits during lunch breaks, but that doesn’t mean that she just lets stuff happen. Seraya is organized, focused, and determined to to make things happen. She’s a pioneer and she is well on her way.


Seraya recently started her own YouTube channel. Watch her first vlog here:

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