BSSM Testimonies

We kicked off the weekend with an alumni meeting, then an Encounter Evening at Global Leadership Academy. The next morning we did Treasure Hunt on the streets of Jeffrey’s Bay. On Sunday afternoon, we had a gathering at Grant’s place. It was a weekend filled with Spirit-led moments, radical encounters, prophesying, worship, etc. Herewith, a …

My Past Rewritten

| First Published in Kouga Express Newspaper | Some things can be replaced: a lost key, sunglasses, a cosy jersey. Other things take more time to get restored: money, old houses, broken-down cars. Even relationships can get a second chance once new life is breathed into them. But time can’t be restored – or can …

Rebels With A Cause

‘Everywhere I go, I’ve been praying for the people: ‘Lord, restore their wild heart. Restore what religion called rebellion, what culture labeled too radical, and what tamed them from being the undignified lovers they were called to be.’ Right now, I pray that over you too.’  Nate Johnston Lately, I’ve felt something rising up in me. …

Dancing Hands

‘Because of the purity of your hands, God will rescue the ones who are not innocent… Through God’s grace in your life, the guilty will escape.’  Job 22:30 As a child, my hand was safe and sound in my mother’s hand whenever we crossed the street. ‘Look left, then right. Then left again,’ she would …

Miss Heard

| First Published On This Engrained Heart | We each have five senses for a reason. Our eyes – it helps us not to bump into things. Our ears – help us to follow conversations. Our tongue – to taste food better. Our nose – to stay away from smelly stuff. And lastly, our sense …

Ndonwabile – I Have Joy

Three years ago, my mom and I moved back to Bloemfontein. We landed right in the middle of a severe drought. After experiencing an abundance of afternoon thunderstorms in Johannesburg, it was a huge adjustment to find ourselves in the middle of a Free State desert. Water restrictions were everywhere; even my grandmother had long …