Twenty-Twenty Vision

I give you this to take with you: Nothing remains as it was. If you know this, you can begin again, with pure joy in the uprooting.
Theresa Brits

I believe that this will be a year of starting anew. There has been an uprooting in identity, belonging, and purpose in the last two years, and now it is time to start over.

Many people have said that 2020 will be the year of perfect vision, as this is the same term that is used for physical perfect eyesight – twenty-twenty vision.

I want to expand on that definition:

This year will be a year of perfect spiritual and emotional vision. It will be a balanced vision. You and I will know where we are going, what we need to do, and how we need to do it. We will connect with the right people, and it will propel us into our destinies.

This year, I am also going to create a new world for myself, a new normal.

Renewal. Redesign. Reinvention. Reacceleration. Reactivation. Readiness. Readjustment. Reaffirmation. Realignment.

It will be a continuation of newness and creation.

This year is a clean page, the first of many chapters. All the good books have more than one chapter. This year will be a creation of words, visions, and relationships.

‘Therefore, behold, I will allure her, bring her into the wilderness, and speak kindly to her. Then I will give her her vineyards from there, and the valley of Achor as a door of hope.’
Hosea 2:14-15a


I also believe that now is the time for me to shed off the cloak of being ‘Miss Deaf South Africa.’ It has been ten years since I won that title, and it no longer needs to define me. I still acknowledge it, but it cannot take me any further anymore.

I a creative being first, a daughter of God, a writer.

Taylor Swift recently shrug off a certain image that America had of her, and what she said hit it home for me:

‘It’s so strange trying to be self-aware when you’ve been cast as this always smiling, always happy ‘America’s sweetheart’ thing, and then having that taken away and realizing that it’s a great thing that it was taken away because that’s extremely limiting.’

This week I also received a highly encouraging email newsletter from Pocket Fuel, a devotional app. I have decided to copy and paste the whole message, as it is so spot-on for what I want to do this year:

You Are Not Broken

Pocket Fuel

You are allowed to want a new life. You are allowed to have a new life. You are allowed to be new.

Say YES to the new life that has been knocking on your door, dying for you to let it in, into your lived-in, well-used life.

Find newness and renew your energy and strength in the every-day ordinariness of your life.

Here’s the thing with embarking on something new: it’s tempting to think it’s not working, or that you’ve failed, or that you’re not cut out for it when things get hard, and it doesn’t seem to come naturally or easily.

But change – the tunnel within which newness is formed – is naturally hard and painful and uncomfortable. Think of the caterpillar and the snake and the seed. There’s a bursting forth, ripping and tearing, a sense of brokenness swells and makes room for breakthroughs. Because that’s what breakthrough is, a breaking through. And it’s painful. It hurts a little. You’ll feel the sting and the ache of it.

That doesn’t mean that it’s not working… more often than not, it means quite the opposite. Resolutions and goals and lists and dreams that are made in January rarely live to see the end of the month because when the pain of change kicks in, we back off… we become afraid and tired and weary and too overwhelmed to see the breaking through, through.

Change comes from breaking out of sameness – our comfort zones and routines. We are challenged and tested in many different ways through many different seasons, and it forces us to dig deep and discover the strength to become new. Life constantly has us investigating our value systems – questioning and seeking – and we have the opportunity in every moment of difference and change and being something other than what we were previously.

Real change can only come when there are challenge and choice. And the pain of change doesn’t mean you’re broken, because, news flash – you’re not broken. Pain and discomfort are messengers, not statements of value. You’re meant to listen to them, not stake your life on them. They come to tell you that something in you needs attention. And from that revelation, you have a choice:

Breakthrough into newness, or shrink back into sameness.

When it gets hard and painful, and things don’t go the way you thought they would, it doesn’t mean that you’re broken or wrong or that you can’t do it or that you should retreat and turn back and stay at home and not give it a go.

It means the opposite.

It’s exactly then that you need to look life in the face and say the biggest, most courageous, most determined post-January yes you’ve got.


I recently read this prophecy by Lana Vawser, and it has encouraged me. Read this, and be encouraged yourself in the journey that you find yourself in.

This Is Your Year of Divine Justice and Favor

Lana Vawser Prophecy for 2020
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

2020 will be a year of greater manifestation of the divine justice of God. In encounters with Jesus and dreams, the Lord has been speaking to me about His justice. I have been seeing the word ‘justice’ and a gavel of the Lord’s divine justice coming down on the earth and in the lives of believers.
The Lord showed me injustices that had taken many different forms, but something stood out to me. The biggest injustices that many people are facing have been coming in opposition against some of the greatest promises God has released. Many of these injustices have been happening for a very long time and/or happened a long time ago, and some have happened recently, and people are still living under the ramifications and effects of those injustices. They are hindering God’s people from moving forward, especially from running with strength, joy, and peace into 2020.

The Lord showed me that His gavel of justice IS coming down. It’s not a ‘maybe.’ The Lord is going to demonstrate TO YOU and THROUGH YOU what His power and divine justice look like.

In my dream the other night, I saw the Lord lifting shame off of His people. These injustices that many of God’s people have faced have brought such discouragement, shame, pain, and heartache to the lives of believers, but the Lord is bringing healing; He is bringing breakthrough and recompense.

Gaze upon Him, join your life with His, and joy will come. Your faces will glisten with glory. You’ll never wear that shame-face again.’

Psalm 34:5, TPT

You Have Been Dealing with Spiritual Opposition

As I pondered this before the Lord I heard Him say, ‘It is the enemy that My people are dealing with. It is spiritual opposition.’
I then began to see many of God’s people trying to ‘work things out’ or make sense of these injustices in the natural; even trying to look for ways to fix the injustices in the natural. There’s nothing wrong with working in the natural, but if we are trying to fight a spiritual battle with natural means, we will not find victory. I heard the Lord say that this must be dealt with in the spirit because it’s a spiritual issue.

Not only is the Lord going to bring forth His divine justice and breakthrough for you, He is also breaking forth WITHIN you. He is releasing in you a roar of divine justice that says, ‘I WILL NOT SETTLE FOR ANYTHING ELSE LESS THAN WHAT THE WORD OF GOD PROMISES ME!’

This is the era of bold and ferocious faith.

I want to encourage you, sow your strength and sow your efforts into your secret place with the Lord; He will continue to show you what is actually happening in the spirit.

Divine Partnership

The Lord showed me there have been “misdiagnoses” in the lives of many Believers where they have thought, “This is the reason for the injustice,” but the Lord is going to show you what is really going on in the spirit behind this injustice. And when you see the spiritual opposition and the assignment and WHY the assignment is there, you are going to release a great roar of faith and victory – a roar that will not allow the enemy to take your land.

The Lord wants you to see His power and His strength. He wants you to see how He is going to take things down for you, but He is also wanting you to see YOUR authority in Him to use the Word of God. He wants you to use strategies He releases to you in the secret place to dismantle in the spirit what is coming against you.

This is the era of understanding the divine PARTNERSHIP between God and man; what it means to partner with Jesus, to see the Holy Spirit move upon your faith – a faith that is rooted in what HE has spoken – and then to see HIM do the miraculous.

2020: A Year of Major Favor

In the last days of 2019 and into 2020 you are going to see this declaration of the Lord over these injustices: ‘THE MATTER IS SETTLED.’
I then heard the Lord say, ‘RULED IN YOUR FAVOR.’ You are going to step into the inheritance, promise, and provision that the Lord has for you. Anything that was taken will be handed back sevenfold. Whatever was broken will be restored. Whatever was hurt, will be healed. You WILL inherit and occupy the land as you partner with Him and stand.

2020 will be a year of major increase in favor. Much of the battle and opposition that many of you are fighting is happening because of the FAVOR God is going to increase over your life, and because of the assignments that God has for you in 2020. The Lord is breaking you free from these injustices because you cannot run in 2020 and in all He has for you while you are held to these things. You are going to move into the greatest healing, deliverance, and freedom of your life thus far.

You need to hear this today: 2020 isn’t just another year. It is a year that is completely different from any other year that you have walked in. This is the beginning of a new era for you. All Hell has broken loose over the promises God has given you because 2020 will be a year where EVERYTHING changes. Everything will be affected by you stepping into your God-given destiny.

In the fires, you have faced and the Goliaths you have stood before in 2019 your heart has been prepared. Character and humility have been forged by the hand of the Lord in the trials you have endured. God has taught you much and forged you as you have surrendered to Him and moved in obedience to His Word.


Not only will He roll out a red carpet of FAVOR; He will also roll out restoration and redemption. Through the favor that God is placing upon you, you will walk in some of the greatest restoration and redemption of your life.

He Is Weaving Dreams into Being

The Lord showed me that MANY people have been heading toward the end of 2019 and into 2020 with hope deferred. This is NOT your portion and this is NOT how you will remain.

‘When hope’s dream seems to drag on and on, the delay can be depressing. But when at last your dream comes true, life’s sweetness will satisfy your soul.’

Proverbs 13:12, TPT

I heard the Lord say, ‘I am weaving dreams into being, they are about to begin.’

In the last days of 2019 and into 2020 and beyond, you are going to see the Lord begin to weave into being the dreams that He has given you.
When He spoke this, what struck me in the spirit was the sense that He isn’t just weaving one dream into being. He is weaving MULTIPLE DREAMS into being. He is weaving dreams He’s already given you, which you know about, but He will add more. As He does this, do not push them aside thinking, ‘But the first dream I have hasn’t come to pass yet, how can I dream about another?’ Be intentional to thank the Lord and store it with intentionality in your heart, pondering it like Mary. Ponder these dreams in trust of the Lord, no matter what your heart or emotions scream. Be intentional to sit at the feet of Jesus and ask Him to speak into these places.

2020 and Beyond – a Year to Tend Many Vineyards

I had a vision and I saw many of God’s people who have been faithful with the vineyards that He has given them. They have stewarded with purity, integrity, and humility. It doesn’t mean they’ve gotten everything right, dotting all their “i’s” and crossing all their “t’s,” but their heart position and place of intimacy with Jesus has been one of purity, integrity, humility, and obedience. There will be a TENDING OF MANY VINEYARDS coming to the faithful in 2020 and beyond.

In my vision, I saw these faithful ones tending many vineyards, and they were singing with SUCH JOY, having the time of their lives. The Lord then showed me that in 2019 they have had much trouble and opposition while tending the vineyards. It has been such hard work and a time of ‘push through,’ but they have continued to tend with obedience and faithfulness to the Lord, following His voice and ways.

The Lord spoke over them:
The hard toiling is coming to an end. Your faithfulness and obedience to Me have brought you into a place of great reward and increase. Now I shall entrust you with much. The enemy attempted to ruin your vineyard that I had you place your hands, but you remained. Well done! The season has now changed and I am moving you into a place of tending many vineyards with greater empowerment of My Spirit, ease, joy, peace, and favor.

You shall know abundance in these vineyards like you have never known before.

You are now moving into the vineyards of harvest and the vineyards of increase. You may have felt like you were in a famine in the tending of the last vineyards because of how hard it has been, but now in this major shift that is taking place, the vineyards you have been toiling will suddenly come to life with greater abundance and fruitfulness in exponential increase, and you will move into new vineyards you never even imagined. This is the era where My people will see how faithfulness to Me and My voice in PURITY is rewarded.’


This website has a prophetic word for every month of this year. I love this concept so much, that tomorrow I’m going to do it for my year as well – 2020 Annual Theme Affirmations 

Bethel Church also has a great PDF document that you can download for free – Speak Life Over Your Next Decade.

Will you join me in doing both practical assignments?

Sources & Links:

This Is Your Year of Divine Justice and Favor

Photo Credit – A Map Of Dreams

You Are Not Broken – Pocket Fuel Newsletter

Perfect Vision: Seeing Through a Spiritual Lens

2020 Annual Theme Affirmations

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