
Childlike Boldness

Boldness is an awkward, uncomfortable thing. It forces you to step outside of your cozy little boat and to walk on the unpredictable water. It’s sink or swim once you get going. This week, I decided to relaunch my creative writing school project. I started marketing it again, this time at a coffee shop and …

Rhythms Of Grace

At the age of twenty-two, my first book was published. It happened rather easily and unexpectedly. A publisher had seen me on television, and they emailed me, ‘Please write your memoir.’ I was given carte blanche, with only one request. I had to write the book in Afrikaans. I was a full-time motivational speaker by …

My Past Rewritten

| First Published in Kouga Express Newspaper | Some things can be replaced: a lost key, sunglasses, a cosy jersey. Other things take more time to get restored: money, old houses, broken-down cars. Even relationships can get a second chance once new life is breathed into them. But time can’t be restored – or can …