My Past Rewritten

| First Published in Kouga Express Newspaper | Some things can be replaced: a lost key, sunglasses, a cosy jersey. Other things take more time to get restored: money, old houses, broken-down cars. Even relationships can get a second chance once new life is breathed into them. But time can’t be restored – or can …

Rebels With A Cause

‘Everywhere I go, I’ve been praying for the people: ‘Lord, restore their wild heart. Restore what religion called rebellion, what culture labeled too radical, and what tamed them from being the undignified lovers they were called to be.’ Right now, I pray that over you too.’  Nate Johnston Lately, I’ve felt something rising up in me. …

Dancing Hands

‘Because of the purity of your hands, God will rescue the ones who are not innocent… Through God’s grace in your life, the guilty will escape.’  Job 22:30 As a child, my hand was safe and sound in my mother’s hand whenever we crossed the street. ‘Look left, then right. Then left again,’ she would …

Miss Heard

| First Published On This Engrained Heart | We each have five senses for a reason. Our eyes – it helps us not to bump into things. Our ears – help us to follow conversations. Our tongue – to taste food better. Our nose – to stay away from smelly stuff. And lastly, our sense …

Ndonwabile – I Have Joy

Three years ago, my mom and I moved back to Bloemfontein. We landed right in the middle of a severe drought. After experiencing an abundance of afternoon thunderstorms in Johannesburg, it was a huge adjustment to find ourselves in the middle of a Free State desert. Water restrictions were everywhere; even my grandmother had long …