Warrior Woman | Week Thirty-Nine

You’re a threat to men…’

You need to flirt more..’

You need to show him that you need him…’

These are just some of the comments and feedback I’ve received from various women throughout my life. These comments come especially from married women, because ‘they know what they’re talking about, for they’re married…’ and I’m still single.

I come from a strong line of women. When I look at my generation of women – starting from the early 1900s – where my great-great- grandmother Antjie Botha defied the British soldiers during the Boer War by throwing rocks at them from the Spitskop koppie in Bloemfontein, I know that her blood runs in my veins. My grandmother, Valerie, was an even stronger woman, with strong character and moral values. My mother as well. She is strong, knows who she is, and knows what she wants. She is not a victim at all.

This month, I attended a women’s conference in Jeffrey’s Bay. Hayley Braun was the online guest speaker, and she shared the following with us:

God made women powerful. I have always been a strong woman. So you will need a powerful man. God said of Eve: ‘I’m making one complimentary to Adam.’

Hayley also said, ‘Women are not an accessory.’

A few days later, I met up with a friend of mine. We were at the Marina Nina’s, and it was a gorgeous day of sunshine and glorious weather. My beautiful friend looked at me and said, ‘You need a strong man, for you’re a strong woman.’

I had tears in my eyes as she prayed for me. She also asked to be my intercessor when it comes to praying for my husband.

It was right there and then, that I decided I’m not going to diminish who I am. I am a strong woman, I am a warrior. That’s who I am. And my strong warrior of a man will find me and celebrate me just as I am.



The Girl’s Still Got It is a great book to read if you’re looking for encouragement. I read this book at least once a year, and it always puts things into perspective. Women were designed to marry a man like Boaz.


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