A Few Good Men

A few years ago I was the leading actress in a theatre play called ‘Kinders van Stilte,’ which was adapted and translated from the Broadway play ‘Children of a Lesser God’ by Mark Medoff. In this theatre play, I had the role of Sandra, a 26-year-old deaf woman who refused to speak like a hearing …

Disclosed Closure

Disclosure means to make ‘a fact, especially a secret, known.’ This is my secret: I have unintentionally lied about something for years. Eleven years, to be exact. Now I need to bring it out in the open: I had friends in high school. Five of them, to be exact. The final nail in the coffin …

Juggling Glass Balls

We are constantly being bombarded with voices. Certain voices scream at us, taunting us with our fears. Some voices whisper at us; it is barely audible and we hardly recognize them. Other voices speak to us as daily reminders of the things that are missing in our lives. Advertisements. Social media. Family. Friends. Colleagues. They …

Things I Have Loved: Part 1

It is inevitable, but undeniable. We are constantly being shaped by the things around us. Music. Books. Television. Films. Magazines. It influences us and the way we view the world. It moves us, makes us come alive, changes us. We’re not always aware of it. * Lately I’ve been pondering about the things that has …

Regular Old Moon

These past few weeks I’ve been having genuine ‘aha’ moments. Moments of revelation, moments of clarity and relief. For the first time in my life, I am relieved that I do not have children – yet. It is a discovery that I am very much surprised about. * I love kids. When I was in …

Disturbed By Dust

This essay is a hard one for me to write. This essay means I have to think about all the people who’ve wronged me, rejected me or didn’t see me for who I really am. Especially where my career was concerned. People who said yes to me, people who promised opportunities to me but didn’t …

Lion In My Bedroom

I have a gorgeous Danish feline called AllyCat. He’s been my loyal and faithful companion for eleven years. Ally wakes me up every morning, follows me around the whole day and regularly interrupts my sleep patterns during the nights. In short, he is my shadow. He has also been my ears for many years now. …

Some Things A First Time

I’ve been driving cars for ten years now. I got my learner’s license after passing the test the second time around, and my car license shortly after. My parents really spoiled me; they almost instantly bought me my first car to celebrate getting my license. It was pure bliss having the freedom to go wherever …

Bo Op Tierkop

“Pappa, ek wil bergklim,” sê my 9-jarige seun vir my. Dié stelling vang my onkant. Ons gaan klim dan nooit berg nie. Swem en fietsry sal ons doen, maar bergklim? Nie sommer nie. “Seuna, hoe seker is jy?” vra ek versigtig. “Doodseker, pappa. Kom ons doen dit! Ek is lus.” “Nou toe dan. Watter berg …