Week Sixteen | Aching Hearts

Sometimes it feels as if the Lord brings certain revelations to our attention a couple of times. I think it’s because we forget what we’ve learned, or sometimes we haven’t grasped the full truth of the revelation yet.

This week I was reminded of such a revelation again.

A few years ago, my friend was discontent with her life. She was married and she had a beautiful little girl. Yet, she felt like she had missed the dreams and purpose for her life.

At that stage in my life, I was pursuing my dreams and purposes, but I wasn’t married and I didn’t have any children. I felt that I was missing a relationship and children in my life.

I found it so interesting that the both of us had something the other was aching for.

The revelation I received was this: It’s important to be content in every season of our lives.

My married friend had been single for many years before she got married and had a baby. One day, she will be single again after her children have left the nest and/or when her husband passes away.

I, on the other hand, am single, but one day I will get married and have children. Will I then ache for the days when I was single and was able to do whatever I wanted?

This revelation revealed a massive truth in my life, and it brought so much freedom.

This week, I was aching for something else. I was discontent with where I am in my life, and what I’m doing.

I saw two of my friends sitting next to each other. The one is married and has children; the other one is single.

Both are aching for what the other one has.

It was so interesting to see something that had happened to me years ago, unfolding right before my eyes.

I realized once again: it’s good to ache for the things we don’t have yet, but it’s so much more important to be fully content with the season we are in right now – aching hearts and all.

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